Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Membership discount for October!

Join the Holistic Moms Network during Holistic Living Month and 
save $10 off any annual (or multi-year) membership. 
Use Coupon Code HLM2012 through October 31, 2012. 
(Existing members can renew early and save!)

Monday, October 8, 2012

September Meeting Thank You!

A huge thank you to Certified Holistic Health Counselor Debra Dennis for stepping in at the last minute to present at our September meeting.  She shared how food choices and our relationship to food can dramatically effect energy, sleep patterns, mood, stress and more.  Thanks for an informative evening!  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August meeting thank you!

Thank you to Vira Burnayeva for speaking at our August meeting.  She shared her own personal story of healing her family with dietary changes and her tips and tricks from her own GF/CF pastry business.
Thanks for coming out!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July Meeting: Intimacy and Parenthood

Just a reminder that the meeting is next Tuesday at the NoVA Natural Birth Center. We hope to see you there! If you haven't met Dr Ruthie yet, you are missing out! :)

PLEASE NOTE: We always welcome children at meetings, but as the subject matter will be adult oriented and question and answer may be quite specific and explicit, we encourage you to consider whether your child is ready to hear this level of mature content.

JUL 2012 Meeting - July 10: “Intimacy and Parenthood” Join Dr. Ruth Neustifter of http://exploringintimacy.com/ to talk about how pregnancy, birth, nursing, children, and parenthood in general changes our sexual relationships. Learn some tips and tricks to bring the spark back in. Bring you partner and your questions! 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Meeting Changes

Just a few reminders:

  • Starting July 2012, we will be meeting on the SECOND Tuesday of each month instead of the first Tuesday.  Meeting location remains the same at the Fairfax Church of Christ (except July).

Friday, May 4, 2012

May Meeting: Canning 101

Thanks to the large group who turned out to learn how to get started with canning.  We had a lot of fun and everyone went home with tasty, organic, home-canned applesauce and strawberry jam!  Yum!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Building Healthy Immunity

Thank you to Dr Margaret Gennaro for her great talk last night about healthy immunity!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thank you to Stacy!

We had a great meeting with Stacy of PaleoParents.com. She was also kind enough to donate one of their pre-release copies of their new book to our lending library. Thank you!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Tuesday, March 6th, 6:30-8:30pm

"Paleo for the Whole Family" Join local blogger and mother, Stacy of http://paleoparents.com/ as she shares her family’s experience with changing their eating habits to the Paleo diet. Local resources for whole foods, kid-approved recipes, and time and money saving tips will be included. Don’t miss it!

Monthly meetings are open to members and first time visitors. If you
have visited us previously and this topic is appealing to you, please
consider becoming a member! Your membership dues help pay for the
events we hold. Our member only events are always changing and have included
playgroups, outings, Moms' night outs, journal club, preschool coop, and much more!

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Simplicity Parenting

Thank you to Helene Shore coming and sharing her experience with not buying anything new for a year. We are all excited to start up a new discussion group on simplifying our lives.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Simplicity Parenting! 2/7/12 at 6:30pm


Tuesday, February 7th, 6:30-8:30pm

“Simplicity Parenting”
Join Helene Shore as speaks about her passion, Voluntary Simplicity.
She has spent time simplifying her own life, including experiencing a year of not buying anything new.
She will speak about voluntary simplicity, raising children with simplicity in mind, and how to talk to kids about their impact on the environment.

We meet at the Fairfax Church of Christ*
3901 Rugby Road Fairfax, Virginia 22033
*Holistic Moms is not affiliated with any church/religious group.
We gratefully acknowledge FXCC's donation of meeting space to our group.


PARKING: Please follow the signs into the church parking lot and
around the back of the building to the "member parking." (NOT in the
front labeled "visitor parking.") You can only enter the building at
the door that has a sign that says Office/Stepping Stones. We meet
upstairs in the large meeting room. Please follow the HMN signs to the
room via elevator or stairs.

Monthly meetings are open to members and first time visitors. If you
have visited us previously and this topic is appealing to you, please
consider becoming a member! Your membership dues help pay for the
events we hold. Our member only events are always changing and have included
playgroups, outings, Moms' night outs, journal club, preschool coop, and much more!

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jan meeting- gentle sleep solutions

A huge thank you to Michelle Winters for all her great info about gentle sleep solutions.
For more information: