Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thank you, Paleo Parents!

We are so lucky to have famous food bloggers, Paleo Parents, as a local resource for whole food eating! A HUGE thank you to them for donating a copy of their upcoming book, _Beyond Bacon_, to our Holistic Moms Network: Northern Virginia Chapter lending library. There is sure to be a long waiting list for this one! 
(If you don't want to wait--you can just order your own copy!) :) 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A huge thank you to MOMs for their continued support!

MOMs Market in Herndon donates refreshments to us *every month* for our monthly meeting.  We are so grateful for their generosity.  It allows us to provide healthy, delicious, fresh food for all our members and guests.  Next time you visit the store, please thank them!
MOM's Organic Market
424 Elden Street
Herndon, VA 20170
(703) 483-6740

May homebrew meeting

We had a great meeting with several HMN daddies collaborating on a discussion about homebrewing.  They covered equipment and several beverages including beer, wine, cider and mead.  We are grateful that they all shared their time and knowledge with us!  Thanks Peter, Jordan & Dave!