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Find Your Tribe!

Welcome to the Northern Virginia chapter of the Holistic Moms Network. Our purpose is to generate national awareness, education, and support for holistic parenting and to provide a nurturing, open-minded, and respectful community for parents to share these ideals. There is no checklist or litmus test of "holistic enough." HMN welcomes anyone who is interested in holistic health, natural parenting and/or green living. Please take a moment to browse the posts and learn a little more about us. As always, feel free to contact co-leaders, Alexa & Laurie, at HMNofNOVA@gmail.com with any questions or for more information.
Find out more (click each link):
*Chapter Website
*National Website
Find us on Facebook too!
Click here to join online and become a member.
*Scholarships are available to those in financial need.*
Click here for more information on the Helping Moms in Need program.
We are a welcoming community!
We welcome all people, both parents and non-parents, of all races, national origins, colors, creeds, religions, sexes, ages, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We are a warm and inclusive group, and welcome you to join us wherever you are on the holistic path in an environment that does not judge. Come as you are!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Think Spring Seed Swap!

Well, our February meeting was cancelled due to the snow, and we have rescheduled our talk on acupuncture for June. When the blizzard began and it just continued to snow, and snow, and snow some more, we all felt like spring would never come! Finally, two weeks later with ice and snow still covering almost everything, we gathered for a seed swap.

The vast array of seeds was amazing! We laid them out on the floor on small plates and everyone took what they wanted or needed. We could have planted a dozen gardens with tremendous variety. Although we were prepared with labels, pens, and bags, collecting the seeds was still a little arduous for each individual. Next time, we'll be more organized with envelopes rather than zip bags and we'll set up a table so we don't have toddlers driving trucks over the seeds or trying them as snacks :).
There are many different gardeners among us and sharing our ideas and knowledge was more fun as sharing the seeds. We barely made it through the introductions - everyone had something to ask and tell, and I think we were all so pleased for some adult interaction after being snowed in! A good time was had by all.

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